
Monday, November 22, 2010

Charleston - an Active Port!

Hello everyone!  Another great day in Charleston - as I type this, the full moon is rising across the river - beautiful.  Paul just took this photo:

Charleston is such a cool place - we are continually amazed at how active the port is - today there was a lot of activity with very large ships - see photos below:
Can you hear Kathy Lee singing?  This cruise ship arrived early this morning - you can see sweet Paul on the dock watching it all happen.
Right after the cruise ship arrived, this enormous container ship came out of the dock to our left - he was backing out and then was turned around by tugs . . .  so incredible to watch up close.
Starting the turn . . .  amazing how that "tiny" tug boat can move it - you can also see a second tugboat on the left pushing on the bow.
Gives you an idea of how HUGE this ship is - on this end alone - 76 containers - what you see a truck driving down the highway.
Almost completing the turn . . .

Turn completed - now heading South out of the Harbor and to wherever it's going . . .  we think it's heading to China to pick up more crap to bring to the Christmas Tree Shops!  :-)
Another huge ship came in this evening - two tugs turned it around and backed it in to the same pier that the other one backed out of this morning!
Cruise ship LEAVING this evening - just here for the day . . .  Toodle Loo!
Anyway - that's all the news we have for today - just watching all this cool stuff happening around us!  I am keeping busy with work and Paul has been getting a lot of maintenance stuff done on the boat.  All good.
Thanks for following along, as always - Love, Jen & Paul

Today's Quote:  
When the days are too short, chances are you are living at your best. 
-Earl Nightingale

1 comment:

  1. I like your photos. May I use the one labeled "starting the turn..." from this post? I edit a new nonprofit magazine for Clemson University, and this would run with a business story about imports. If I may use it, should I credit the blog or one of you?
