
Friday, November 5, 2010

Annapolis, MD - Night #6

Ahoy from Annapolis, MD!  We arrived to Annapolis today just after high noon after a short trek from the Sassafras River - about 40 miles.  We went under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge - which was pretty cool - I took a few pictures:

Finally a photo of the First Mate - eye glasses and all and hanging on!!

Annapolis is a beautiful town - filled with history, cute shops, good restaurants, etc.  We took a walk around and took even more pictures . . .
You can see Master Plan right along the dock in the center of the picture - talk about being in the center of the action!  The Maryland State House dome is in the background.

The downtown is so beautiful . . .
So we're here this evening - am heading out shortly to do a little laundry - then we'll grab some dinner in town this evening - we are at the City Docks so we are really in the middle of the action - very cool.

Tomorrow, we head to Deltaville, VA.  The winds will be coming in from the West, so we'll hug the Virginia Coast and stay on the West side of the Chesapeake.  We'll then head to Norfolk, VA on Sunday and we'll start our way down the InterCoastal Waterway. 

As promised, here are a few photos from yesterday - our internet access was pretty sketchy last night, so I couldn't download the pictures - it was a soggy day. 
A barge in the C&D Canal

From our anchorage on the Sassafras River - the soggy flag says it all!
Thanks for coming on our journey with us - until the next post - love, Jen & Paul

Today's Quote:

Life is what we make it. Always has been. Always will be.
-Grandma Moses

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