
Sunday, November 6, 2011

On the "Road" Again!

Greetings to our dear friends, family, and followers - We're back!  I am so excited to be sitting at the RLC Events Floating Office entering this blog post.  Paul and I are currently cruising along the ICW at mile 35 - and we just crossed over into North Carolina.  We took advantage of "falling back" and the extra hour and left the dock at 6:00 AM this morning.  Early mornings are my favorite time on the water - peaceful and lovely.

Let me back up.  Captain Paul posted last - he and a friend (from our RI marina) brought the boat from Rhode Island to Chesapeake, VA (near Great Bridge) in early October in a mad dog mission - 2.5 days.  We left the boat in a covered slip in Shed #2 at the Atlantic Yacht Basin just south of Great Bridge. Then Paul and Jarrod flew back to RI on October 4th.

Paul left Rhode Island via our van on Monday (Halloween - the day we left RI in Master Plan last year) and drove to Chesapeake arriving after midnight in the pouring rain.  He spent the week getting the boat ready for our journey - cleaning her, "feeding the bitch" (fueling her), getting her out of the shed, etc.  I was on-site for a program at Gillette Stadium for the entire week - starting early Monday (Halloween) and arrived back to the apartment mid-afternoon on Friday.  I did laundry, cleaned the apartment, and got it ready for vacancy and flew from Providence to Norfolk, VA yesterday (Sat, Nov 5) morning - arriving into Norfolk in the early afternoon.  We spent the rest of the day getting organized, grocery shopping, and getting ready for our journey south.  It had been a long time since I'd been on the boat and it feels so good to be back aboard.  We are leaving the van at the marina - once we get settled in Stuart, FL again, Paul will fly to Norfolk, VA and get it and drive it down to Florida sometime the first week of December. 

Here are some photos to give you an idea of where we stored the boat - Shed #2:

Shed #2 - with our van in front

The right side of Shed #2 - you can see the water on the right.

If you look carefully - you can see the dock under the shed.

This gives you a better idea of what it looks like once inside - it's pretty cool.  The white boat on the left is where Master Plan spent October.

There she is - Paul took this photo on his phone earlier in the week before she was moved to the Face Dock.
Master Plan on the Face Dock in the "go" position - this is where we left from this morning.
Here is the Great Bridge - this photo is taken from the boat - so it's super close to the marina.

So we are now heading to Manteo, NC which is on Roanoke Island - we expect to be there at about 3PM this afternoon.  We were originally going to go to Elizabeth City - since we loved it so much last year - but Paul and I agreed that we should see different places this time and stay at new marinas.  Also - our friends Rick and Linda from MakeItSo are there for the month, so we plan to spend a few nights there.  Rick and Linda are the couple we docked behind in Charleston last November and are also the proud parents of "Kirby the Wonder Dog" who has been featured on this blog before.  They're great people and we're looking forward to reconnecting with them.

RLC Events is still buzzing along, but things will slow down a bit in the next few months, which will be nice.  I've been pretty much sprinting since mid-April and I am truly grateful for the business and for my great clients, but I must admit I am looking forward to catching my breath a little bit.

I will blog again very soon - maybe even tonight - with another update as we work our way South.  We will be in Charleston, SC from November 14 to 21 - then our goal is to be in Stuart at the same marina by December 1st.

Until the next post - take care - thanks for your love and support!  Love, Jen & Paul

Today's Quote:

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Ghandi

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