
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage - Mile 245

Good evening from Master Plan!  Tonight we are anchoring in Mile Hammock Bay which sits just at the southern edge of Camp LeJeune.  This is a very popular anchorage - Paul counted 24 boats here this evening.  A lovely spot and interesting as well as we can see and hear some of the exercises going on at the base. 

We left River Dunes Marina in Oriental this morning and traveled about 72 miles - another beautiful sunny day.  I worked while Paul masterfully guided us through the day.  More dolphin sitings - so cool - and other neat stuff too - see photos below.

Leaving River Dunes - such a beautiful spot - we hope to return.
Passing a Tug and Barge along the way.
Dolphins playing in our bow wake

So cool - they were having a great time!
From our anchorage - I took this on Master Plan's bow - some exercises taking place for Camp Le Jeune
A view of MP with the pretty anchorage in the background.
A peaceful sunset from Master Plan's stern.
I took this because of all of the reflections - all the angles created by the sailboats' masts . . .
Our plan tomorrow is for a shorter day - we're heading to Southport, NC - probably about 65 miles with a few bridges en route (where we'll have to schedule ourselves to be there for the openings - either on the hour or half hour).   Our goal is to be in Charleston on Sunday and we plan to stay there for a week - we're excited to return to this fabulous city.

Thanks again for following along - sending our best to all - love, Jen & Paul

Today's Quote:
There is nothing more genuine than breaking away from the chorus to learn the sound of your own voice.
~ Po Bronson

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