
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Titusville, FL - Mile 877

Greetings from Titusville!  We are really close to Cape Canaveral and were able to see the launch site and the shuttle hangar from a distance today - we'll get a closer look tomorrow.  We had a bit of a late start from New Smyrna Beach as we were waiting for our mail to be delivered - but we made good use of our time and got some chores done and odds and ends.  We left at about 1pm and pulled in here at about 5pm - just over 30 miles.  Because we traveled through quite a bit of the National Park seashore today, there were a lot of no wake zones.  But - it was so beautiful - barely a breath of wind and Master Plan glided through the water that looked like glass - amazing. 

Enjoy the photos - you're probably sick of hearing about all the dolpins - but they were incredible today once again - they were playing off the stern right before we left New Smyrna Beach and they once again played in our bow as we glided along - since there was very little wind, the pictures came out very clear today. 

Sunrise over New Smyrna Beach - just beautiful.

Playful dolpins just off our stern just before we left NSB.

Another dolpin just off the bow - the water was so clear - I could almost touch them!

Another self portrait - the water was so calm and my reflection is so clear!

Right after the self portrait, I turned around and took this photo of my sweet captain!

Master Plan's wake amidst the glass-like water . . . COOL.

Right after we arrived in Titusville - the lighting was so cool . . .
 So - another great day on Master Plan - we are truly blessed.  We send our love and best wishes to everyone following along - we appreciate your support and it brings such comfort to know you're out there reading my words and looking at the photos and sharing this great journey with us.

Until tomorrow - lots of love, Jen & Paul

Today's Quote:
You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment - Henry David Thoreau

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