
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Charlotte C.A.R.E. Clinic

Well - it has been two weeks since the last post - so it's great to be back!  As most of you know, Paul and I were in Charlotte from December 2nd to the 9th working at the C.A.R.E. Clinic - a one day free health clinic for the uninsured on Tuesday, December 7, 2010.  The lead up to the event is pretty busy and intense.  I have the honor of working for the National Association of Free Clinics and lead a team of talented meeting planners to execute these amazing events.  We have done 9 in total - the first one was in Houston, followed by New Orleans, Little Rock, Kansas City, Hartford, Atlanta, Washington DC, New Orleans (second time), and Charlotte - 4 in 2009 and 5 in 2010.  It has been an amazing journey.  The local paper did a great job capturing the clinic in Charlotte - you can read it by clicking here:

Kerry Thompson, the Senior Director of Public Affairs for the NAFC took some amazing pictures - which I am excited to share with you on this post. 

Nicole Lamoureux, Executive Director and Kerry Thompson, Senior Director of Public Affairs - the only two people who work for the NAFC - they are the leaders and inspiration behind these amazing events.  They are important clients and people I am honored to call my friends.
We have a team of about 50 captains - including Paul who was at the front door handling the patient lines when this was taken.  Other than my team, all are volunteer - most have done multiple clinics - and are amazing individuals.

The Clinic set up BEFORE the medical supplies go in - the exam areas are on either side and the waiting areas and labs are along the middle.

Volunteer orientation - the Captains are in blue and the volunteers (over 1,000) are in red.

Nicole with her sweet fiance - Mr. Mark Busby - we LOVE him! He also comes to volunteer as a captain and has attended every single clinic - he's "da bomb."

Here is the original "A Team" - Nicole and Kerry (in the back), along with the 4 other planners who have been on this journey with me from the beginning - left to right - Shelley Finley (from Melrose, MA), Peggy Montgomery, Kathy Metcalf, and Lori Roberts.  Peggy, Kathy, and Lori work in Houston - I hired them to help us in Houston and they've joined us ever since - they are AWESOME.  As these events have grown, we have added more team members including Tina & Shaun Noonan and Mark Venette!
I have been so blessed to have the opportunity to work with the NAFC and am so grateful for the many outstanding relationships I have made along the way.

Today's Quote:
Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. 

-Archbishop Desmond Tutu

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