
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jekyll Island, GA

Hello Friends - we made a quick jump from St. Simon's to Jekyll Island today - about 10 miles total.  The Jekyll Island creek (part of the ICW) is notoriously shallow and we did have a few scary moments - but we made it through just fine and arrived to the dock in the early afternoon.  The wind was really blowing today and Paul's docking job was nothing short of spectacular - even the marina staff who helped us with the lines were very impressed! 

We are in the land of fresh shrimp here - have seen many shrimping boats and eaten many shrimp - YUM!  They are also filming a movie here on Jekyll Island - X Men 4 - so we saw lots of movie trucks and equipment today.  The marina has free bicycles so we took a little jaunt today and it was so fun - we even saw lots of deer!  I honestly can't remember the last time I was on a bicycle.  Jekyll Island has great history and we plan to do a lot more exploring tomorrow.  We will stay at this marina tomorrow night too - and then head to Jacksonville early on Saturday.

A shrimp boat in full action!
Shrimping boats in Brunswick, GA
Sunset from the boat - beautiful.
Thanks again for following our journey - we'll be in touch again soon - lots of love, Jen & Paul

Today's quote:
The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder - Ralph W. Sockman

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