
Saturday, April 2, 2011

St. Simon Island, GA

Good evening from Master Plan - we are docked at the same marina we visited in December on our way down on St. Simon Island, Georgia.  It's beautiful here and we had a really good day . . .  as my father would have said, "we picked 'em up and laid 'em down . . ."  We traveled 130 miles today and the conditions were great.

We left Palm Coast, FL right after sunrise - about 7:30 a.m. and continued north on the ICW to St. Augustine, FL - about 25 miles.  St. Augustine is a beautiful place and we overnighted there on the way down in December.  It was during the cold snap and I would definitely like to stay there again.  They also have a fantastic municipal marina there and today we stopped and "fed the bitch."  Right next to the marina is a bridge which opens every half hour, so we timed it and once we fueled up, we caught the 11AM opening - I captured some photos.  All bridge operators along the ICW are on marine radio and as you approach, you radio and let them know you would like to pass at the scheduled 11am opening.  It is a very courteous exchange and pretty cool.  Paul, as always, handles it with expertise.

Leaving Palm Cost this morning . . . 
Approaching the bridge - just starting to open . . .
Going under . . .
And - as always - a radio exchange - "Thanks for the opening!"
Farewell again St. Augustine - what a beautiful place . . .
Just after the bridge is the St. Augustine inlet - which takes you "outside."  The conditions were perfect and off we went . . .
The forecast was great and we headed out the ocean and ran along the Florida coast - it was calm and beautiful and we made great progress.  We even contemplated continuing overnight to Charleston, but later in the afternoon it got a little choppier, so we decided to head in at St. Simon Island - and we'll head to SC tomorrow - the forecast is predicting another great day.

First mate essentials - Chilled beverage in coozy, charts, Waterway Guides, and the "crack"berry
Master Plan's wake through the calm seas
There were several jellyfish in the water - if you look closely, you can see one right in the middle of this photo - there were hundreds - we went for miles and kept seeing them.
From the captain's seat - charts, compass, and a great view of the calm seas ahead.
We came into St. Simon Sound at sunset - it was breathtaking.   The pictures show the beauty and we were able to get to the dock before it got too dark. 

So - for now, tomorrow's plan is to get to South Carolina and get as far as we can.  The weather is looking good and we plan to be "outside" again probably until Hilton Head - then go "inside" until before dark.  We promise to keep you updated!

Thanks for following along and for your love and support!  Love, Jen & Paul

Today's Quote:
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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