
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Beaufort, SC

Good evening from lovely Beaufort, SC!  We can now say that we successfully avoided the entire ICW in Georgia - which was Paul's goal! 

We had an incredibly beautiful day today - the conditions were perfect.  We untied at St. Simon Marina at about 7:45 AM and headed "outside."  It was like cruising on a lake - so calm - the winds at our back - and the sun shining on us all day.  I was even able to get a lot of work done - it was so nice . . .

Of course - we had more dolphin encounters - we are cherishing every moment with our playful friends because we know as we head north, the opportunities to see them will become less frequent.

Playing in our bow wake as we left St. Simon Sound . . .

Paul saw a bunch of mantarays swimming in formation just off our starboard side, but it happened so quickly, we couldn't get a photo . . .  Sadly, I missed it, but Paul said it was pretty darn cool.  Of course, we still saw hundreds of jelly fish almost the entire way today.
My sweet captain taking a breather on the stern . . . You can see how calm it is.
First mate taking a break too - aren't we so queer?  :-)
As we entered the Port Royal Sound this afternoon, Master Plan's wake attracted a lot of gull attention - we must have been churning up some good stuff . . .
So tonight, we are anchored in an area called Port Royal - very close to Beaufort - it's a beautiful area with lots of marshes and some cool shrimp boats as well - the photo below is a view from our bow.
These shrimp boats look like they're near a cool local restaurant too.
So - now it's time to chill out, catch the sunset, grab a beer, watch some TV, and cook some dinner - looks like grilled chicken is on the menu tonight!  

Tomorrow, we continue our journey - our goal is to get past Charleston.  We spent almost four weeks in Charleston on the way down - we really loved it there - so it will be sad to cruise by - but our hope is to spend more time there on our way back to Florida next fall.

Happy Sunday to all - thanks for following along - sending lots of love, Jen & Paul

Today's Quote:
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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