
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Back in FLA USA!

Greetings Friends, Family, and Followers - We're back on Master Plan!  I type this as we're passing through Daytona Beach . . .

Let me back up a bit . . .  Paul is still enjoying his job with Chouest Offshore - we're still adjusting to his schedule of being gone for 28 days and home for 14 days, but he is very happy - taking classes, and getting upgrades to his license.  Our eventual goal will be for him to work 28 and be off for 28.  Jen and RLC Events cranked this summer - pretty much back to back events starting in mid-August through late October.  She is tired and ready for a little break . . .  We did spend a fabulous week in Edgartown Harbor on Master Plan this past summer, which was wonderful - but overall a very busy summer that flew by . . .

Our hearts go out to those still adversely impacted by Superstorm Sandy - truly awful.  We were extremely blessed to get by with no issues.  Master Plan was just south of Norfolk, VA (Paul and a friend had brought it down there in early October) and Jen at the apartment in Rhode Island never even lost power.  We are SO lucky - I was just watching the news this morning and 3 weeks later, people still don't have power in Queens and other areas as well . . . crazy.  

Jen left Rhode Island via car on Sunday, November 4th and headed to Baltimore and stayed there for two nights and did some planning for a Fall 2013 event.  She then drove to Norfolk, VA on Election Day and Paul arrived on Wednesday afternoon.  The boat was in great shape and we stocked up on provisions and left early Thursday morning.

On Thursday, we traveled about 90 miles and anchored in the Alligator River in a pretty spot - the stars were out and it was a peaceful and restful evening.
Sunset from Master Plan just after dropping anchor in the Alligator River
On Friday morning, we awoke and departed at sunrise to continue our journey south.  We arrived in Morehead City, NC on Friday afternoon around 3pm, fueled up, and started the next part of our journey.  The weather was looking great, so we decided to head offshore and make a good long run and get to Florida faster.  As we departed Morehead City, we had our first dolphin siting.
First dolphin siting off Master Plan's starboard stern - they love to play in the wake and it just never gets old!
We left at about 4:30 PM on Friday afternoon - it was a great time to be disconnected since the weekend was approaching and I didn't need to be in contact with anyone on the work front.  Soon we were offshore, the sun set, and Master Plan glided through the ocean in the dark with a sky filled with stars.  It was my first overnight moving on Master Plan, so I was a little nervous - a very different feeling being underway and not being able to see anything, but our instruments are top notch and you keep a close eye on the radar and put the auto pilot on and for the most part, it's pretty easy.  Paul and I took turns sleeping and next thing you know, the sun was rising and we continued our journey.  It was pretty wild being in the middle of the ocean, but the seas remained calm, the sun was shining, and it was an easy day - again, we took turns napping, each grabbed a quick shower, and continued the journey. 

As the sun set on Saturday night, the seas picked up just a bit - we only had about 10 hours to go, but as it got dark and the conditions diminished, I must admit I got a little nervous.  We have been in worse seas, but when it's dark, it feels different.  Our original intent was to go onshore at St. Augustine, but we decided to go in the St. Mary's Inlet which is right at the Florida / Georgia border.  By changing our course, the ride got a little smoother and as we got closer to shore, the conditions improved a bit.  We got to the St. Mary's inlet at about 4:30 AM and Paul masterfully guided us in to the InterCoastal Waterway.  We went South just under a mile and tied up to the fuel dock at Fernandina Beach Marina at about 5:30 AM.  We took a little nap and they opened at 6:30 AM.  We fueled up and grabbed a slip and went to bed at about 8:00 AM.  We were both pretty exhausted and of course Paul handled the majority of the captaining so it felt good to be on terra firma.

All that said, it was the best thing we ever did - we jumped out at Mile 202 and got back in at Mile 717 - so we made so much progress in such a short period of time.  If we had stayed on the InterCoastal, it would have taken us at least 5-6 days to go that far - instead it took 36 hours - very worth it.  We also went from jeans and fleeces on Friday afternoon to t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops on Sunday afternoon - nice . . . .
Docked at Fernandina Beach Marina on Sunday - a beautiful day!

Downtown Fernandina Beach on Amelia Island - a very cool place - lots of fun restaurants and shops - isn't civilization wonderful?
Sunset Sunday night at the marina - beautiful!

Small world - we ran into good friends - Aime & Marty - we actually docked right behind them at Fernandina Marina - they live at the same marina we do in Stuart and are wonderful friends.  We enjoyed a delicious dinner with them on Sunday night right at the marina - lovely!
We went to bed early on Sunday and caught up on some rest - we left early Monday and continued the journey south.  We spent last night in the Palm Coast marina and ran into other friends of ours from the Stuart marina - had a nice dinner with them.  As I type this - now we are past Daytona and our goal is to anchor at Cocoa Beach tonight and be back in Stuart tomorrow.  Then, we'll have some nice downtime in Stuart before Paul has to return to work on Monday afternoon.  All good.

Paul and I also want to acknowledge the recent passing of our friend and neighbor of 8 years in Marlborough - Tom Fitzgerald.  He was 78 and lost a long battle to mouth and throat cancer.  He was such a wonderful man - he had a huge heart, a great sense of humor, and a love of life - lots of wisdom and a very positive person.  It was so wonderful having the sidewalk conversations with him and he always had a treat for our dog Jessie - a kind and wonderful man.  After we moved, we stayed in touch and he always read this blog.  His last email to us was to make sure we kept the Master Plan going . . . Tom - as you read this from heaven, be assured that we are!  We miss you and are better people because of you . . .

I'll be in touch again soon - thanks for your support and love - love, Jen & Paul

Today's quote:

Dreams are necessary to life...
~ Anais Nin

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