
Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Key West Christmas!

Merry Christmas to our dear friends, family, and followers - we hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful day and that Santa was very good to you!

Paul and I are in Key West and have been here since Friday.  We are in the mooring field here with just a short dinghy ride to downtown Key West and all the craziness.  Being on a mooring is very peaceful and quiet and it's a lot cheaper too! 

Let me back up - when last I blogged, we were en route from Sanibel Island to Marco Island.  We arrived to Marco in the mid-afternoon and it was lovely there!  The marina was very posh and once again, we grabbed our bikes and went to the beach.

Before our departure at Sanibel Island - the marina there was so cute - very friendly staff and they delivered the paper and warm blueberry muffins to us in the morning! 

At the Esplanade Marina on Marco Island - quite a change from Sanibel - much fancier!  You can see Master Plan in the background in the middle of the photo - Paul and I get ready to go on our bike ride to the beach!

The beach is HUGE at Marco - we went to Tiger Tail Public Beach on the north end of the island - really beautiful!

First mate on the beach doing some shelling - what a surprise!

Sigh . . . another beautiful sunset on Florida's West coast - nice to see it set in the water.

It is fun to watch the sandpipers skitter on the beach as the waves come in - they snack on the good stuff that is left as soon as the wave goes back in the water . . .

The sun is just about gone as a Pelican flies by . . .
We had a great visit to Marco - we enjoyed the facility very much.  We had a leisurely morning on Thursday - I tied up some loose ends on the business front before our departure and we left Marco just before 11:00 AM.   Our destination was to anchor in the 10,000 Islands, which is part of the Everglades National Park - just a few hours south of Marco.
There are so many canals on Marco Island - almost all houses are on the water or the beach - amazing.

An Osprey on her nest on a channel marker as we leave Marco . . .

Heading South leaving Marco Island behind.  The clouds are so cool, aren't they?

The Captain!  "King of the world!"

As we approached our anchorage spot, we noticed this white ahead on the left - but we soon found out it isn't just beach - it's a huge group of white pelicans.  We went by and decided that we would anchor, get settled, and return on the dinghy so we could get a closer look.

From the dinghy - our closer look - here they are - hundreds of them!  Once they fly, you can see the black color inside their wings - but when they are just standing on the beach, they are all white.

The Captain with the pelicans behind him.

Master Plan at anchor just before sunset  - it was so beautiful here - peaceful and quiet - a lovely evening.  We had to close the boat up tight, however, when dusk approached, as it got very buggy very quickly!

Sunset over 10,000 Islands - a beautiful evening once again! 
So we had a peaceful and relaxing evening on anchor and our plan was to get up very early and make the trek across the open ocean to Key West.  The weather forecast was very promising and it did not disappoint - we had a very easy 80-mile crossing to Key West - it was pretty much due south.  We departed 10,000 Islands in the dark at about 6AM and pulled into Key West at noon time.
We're not in Kansas anymore - lots of cruise ships and activity in Key West!
We then got to the mooring field and got checked in and settled in for the evening.  We went into town for dinner and I ate my weight in peel n' eat shrimp - they call them Key West pinks and they are delicious!  Of course, had to wash them down with a few beers . . . YUM.  On Saturday (Christmas Eve), we went in and explored Key West for the day.  Paul used to live in this area and we had visited many times before so it was fun to return.
We rented a small electric car for a few hours to really get around.  Here is Paul in front of his old stomping grounds - the Casa Marina.

A rooster crossing the street - not sure why he did - I guess because he could!  AR AR AR

There are lots of great old trees in downtown Key West - there is some really cool architecture and great history here too.  Many think Key West is just a drinking town - which it certainly has plenty of - but it also has a lot of cool cultural things to offer too!

Along the docks, a cat takes a nap - looks quite comfortable, huh?

OK - not sure why this is sideways - so please tilt your head left - sorry!  Anyway - can you see the tarpon under the pelican?  There is a particular area on the docks and the tarpon are HUGE!

After a great day in Key West, Paul and I had a few more shrimp, a few more beers, and then had some fun with some photo backgrounds - enjoy!

I only wish I looked this good in a bikini!
So it is Christmas Day and we started the day by just relaxing and hanging out on Master Plan - reading, relaxing, etc.  Then we went on a dinghy ride around all of Key West, which was pretty cool.  We are now doing some more relaxing - then will head in to take showers, then grab some dinner in town.  Our plan is to leave tomorrow morning and head to Tarpon Belly Key - about 30 miles East from Key West - we will anchor and it will be very beautiful and peaceful.  Then the plan is to head to Marathon and eventually end up in Miami by the end of the week.  We will then work our way up the ICW back to Stuart, thus doing one big loop around southern Florida!  It has been a great trip so far and we are looking forward to the week ahead!  I have disconnected from work and plan to read some books, relax with my sweet Captain, and enjoy the scenery. 

Paul and I feel truly blessed to be able to see all this cool stuff and as we reflect on the past year, we are so grateful for so much - but especially our dear friends and family - so thank you!  We wish you a very Merry Christmas and here's to ringing in 2012! 

We'll be posting again soon - sending lots of love from Key West - Jen & Paul

Today's Quote:
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.  ~Charles Dickens

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