
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scenes from Stuart in February

Hello dear Family and Friends - well, it has been over a month since I've posted to this blog and thought it was time to check in and share some scenes from our life here in Stuart.  First of all - we really love this area.  The marina is wonderful and we've met some really interesting and fun people and feel very much part of this community.  We also really love the town of Stuart - not terribly overdeveloped, some great restaurants and lots of parks and pretty places. 

We also brought our car down here at the end of January which has made a big difference too - it has given us a lot more freedom and flexibility.  By no means was it inconvenient to not have a car, but it certainly has opened up lots of options for us.

So here are some photos from February - enjoy!

Superbowl Sunday - we watched Green Bay defeat the Steelers outside on the dock - cool.
Taken from our Bow looking left - this is the main entrance of the marina - beautiful views of the St. Lucie River
Another one taken from our bow - a view of our neighbors to our left (port side) - the first boat is the only sailboat on our end of the dock named "High Priority" belonging to Ron and Ingrid; the second "Five O'Clock" is a 50' Carver and belongs to Pete & Jeri who are originally from northern California.  The next one is a sportfish that belongs to Tom - who hosted the Superbowl party - and the yacht on the end is 103 feet and we have yet to meet an owner.  Our boat is 48' and is one of the smaller ones here!
Paul went out to help our other neighbor (on the other side - starboard) - Matt (owner) said - "want to go for a ride?" and next thing I know is I hear "Hey Jen I'm heading out to help Matt with his lines!"  A better photo of the entire boat is next.
This boat "Carried Away" is a 65' Pacific Mariner owned by Matt and his wife Colleen from Long Island - they recently purchased this boat and they're super nice people.  Paul was pretty darn happy (understatement) to have a chance to take a spin!
Sunset from the Fly Bridge of Master Plan - never a bad sunset here - beautiful.

Another sunset; this photo taken at the end of our dock - the fuel dock is in the foreground.
A view of the marina from the Fuel Dock (so sunset is behind me).  We are on the left side of Dock B - which is left in this photo - straight ahead is the Marina Office/Store, and to the right is Dock A.  Dock B (our dock) is a floating dock - meaning it goes up and down with the tide so you don't have to adjust your lines (although the tide difference here is only about a foot and a half); a fixed dock is just that - so you do need to adjust your lines.  There a total of 4 docks (C and D not pictured) with about 180 boats total and to the far right (not pictured) are 70 moorings as well.
We were so delighted to welcome our friends Catharine and Kevin aboard once again - so fabulous to see them!  We took them to our favorite place here - Pecks' Lake - where we anchored, had some lunch, then took a short dinghy ride to the beach.  Lovely!
After a great outing, we returned to the marina before sunset - the lighting was amazing and it was so calm.  We are on the InterCoastal going north heading back.
Another glorious sunset - this time shared with Catharine and Kevin!  Here we are on the InterCoastal just about to take the left into the St. Lucie River towards Stuart - the marina is 8 miles from this point.
Yesterday - Paul heads out for a fishing adventure with some guys from the dock - not a lot of fish caught, but a good time had by all!  Photo taken from Master Plan's bow.
Stuart is about 140 miles south of Cape Canaveral - where today's shuttle launched.  Paul took this picture from the bow of our boat - pretty darn cool.
Another picture of the trail left behind as our astronauts head into the stars . . .
So - once again - we truly feel so grateful to be able to live out our "Master Plan."  RLC Events has been nice and busy; it is awful nice to look up and out to the water while working away.  I feel truly blessed to have this flexibility and not a day goes by that I don't appreciate it.

So - we send our love to all - please come visit!  Our plan is to be here through the end of March, then start working our way back to the Northeast - we'll keep you posted.  Hard to believe that February is almost over!

Lots of love - Jen & Paul

Today's Quote:
Learn to pause...or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you.

-Doug King

1 comment:

  1. hello les deux!

    I sent a message the other day, but it doesn't show up on your comments?
    I am glad to hear you are both fine and enjoying the southern end of the USA. This little city sounds like it merits a visit!
    take care and we miss you,
    Bev and Ted
